The ethos
Our Foodshare represents the pillars of the work we do at RealRoots. The health of the soil. The quality of life for our team. Experimenting in alternative forms of exchange. And the empowerment of Black and Indigenous people of color to become farmers again.
When you support us, you support these pillars. If you are familiar with our work and are already interested in signing up, click the button below to get started. Otherwise read on to see the details and taste the veggies of our labor.
our Approach…
We know the feeling when you go to the grocery store nowadays. Our society’s food isn’t grown for nutrient density, taste, or with environmental stewardship in mind. It’s grown for maximum yield and storage capacity. For that reason, we’re forced to buy a low quality product or be subject to high prices and lack of availability for a lot of the staples that we use in our every day cooking.
We want to help change how people relate to their weekly food shopping. We are offering foods that you know and love, as well as food that you may have never tried or tasted before. Foods we have seen in US culture for decades, and foods from the Afro-Caribbean Diaspora that are less familiar to some, but very familiar to many people across the world. These will include:
US Staples
heirloom slicer tomatoes
cherry tomatoes
sweet potato
bell peppers
snap peas
Diasporic Staples
Scotch Bonnet Peppers
Callaloo (Jamaican, Tete Red, etc)
Sokoyokoto (West African summer green)
Gomen (Ethiopian Blue Kale)
Fish Peppers
Garden Egg (African Eggplant)
Collard Greens
Molohkheya (Egyptian Greens)
and much more!
Our hope is that you will be able to replace the shopping you do for these items with our produce — grown with taste, nutrition, and soil life in mind. You also be able to experiment with different ways of preparing these items to build a culture around eating seasonal foods.
what to anticipate…
Thank you to everyone who participated in our 2023 FoodShare!
2024 FoodShare Details will be announced in January 2024
(See pricing below)
Delivery and Pick up information will be announced in March 2024
foodshare Sponsorship
We are extremely grateful for the various groups of people who support Real Roots. The people who support us are intelligent, involved, and aware of what is taking place within our food system. With that, we know that a lot of you are:
already part of a CSA somewhere in the city/region
are interested in supporting our work in food sovereignty but live in an area outside where you can pick up our food
are looking for ways to support our work and business but don’t cook at home enough to justify a weekly share
If you fall into any of these categories, we are asking you to support us by sponsoring a foodshare. If you choose to sponsor a share, we will be able to provide the equivalent amount of food directly to community-based free distribution organizations within the city.
Often times the food provided to those who can’t afford is of extremely low quality and rarely of much benefit to their health or tastebuds. Purchase a sponsorship to donate yourself, split a sponsorship with your roommates, or gather up your neighbors or family members to support people with less opportunity to eat or purchase our food themselves. Half-share sponsorships are available as well if a full-share is not financially feasible.
how we use Sliding Scale
Sourced from The Resilience Hub, https://resiliencehub.org/pdc-sliding-scale/
It’s important to us that people with various levels of income have access to our food. For this reason, we are choosing to use a “Sliding Scale” model to determine how much participants pay for their Foodshare.
The price difference is modest. Our intentions are to make sure that folks with lower income have an opportunity to access nutrient-dense, high quality produce… with punishing those who have worked to achieve a higher income level.
This is a huge a conversation that we can’t tackle in one blurb- so if you want to talk more about this with us come volunteer and we’ll chat.
price breakdown
Let us know which Tier you fall into when you fill out your Foodshare form. Income won’t be verified, we are asking for your honesty.
(delivery Option)
tier one
tier two
tier three
Payment Plan is available! If it is easier, we can accept half of the payment at the beginning of the season, and the other half once the season has gotten going.
(sponsorship Option)
Shoot us an email and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.